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2024 Mentor/Mentee Program

Growing Together

Mentorship aids in career success. Our program was developed to upskill and uplevel women as they prepare for advancement at all levels of their cybersecurity career.

This 9-month mentorship program, exclusively for WiCyS members, is designed to elevate and upskill women in their careers by enhancing skills in areas such as influence, negotiation, leadership, work/life harmony and communication. We are all continual learners, and engaging in a meaningful mentoring relationship can sharpen your professional development, keep you focused on intentional career outcomes and open your mind to new ideas and possibilities. Research shows that mentees are promoted five times more often than those without mentors, and mentors are six times more likely to be promoted. Don’t miss this chance to inspire or be inspired through being a mentor or mentee (or both)!

Thanks to the generous support of WiCyS strategic partners Google and Workday, matching software will align mentees with mentors who share similar backgrounds or work in their areas of interest, ensuring a streamlined and engaging experience.

Mentor/Mentee Infrastructure Sponsored by:

Calling all Mentors:

We know navigating through your thriving career has had some hiccups, bumps and challenges along the way. And we also know that you have not only survived them but thrived! Your guidance, support and experience are needed by so many. No matter where you are in your cybersecurity career journey, your milestones will make a difference in a WiCyS member’s life.

Expectations of Mentors: Commit to the 9-month mentor/mentee program, 4-5hr monthly commitment (scheduling, meeting preparation, meeting with cohort), engage with materials/resources provided by WiCyS Global, meet with assigned mentees in a virtual cohort setting once monthly (1.5-2hrs), and submit session feedback surveys in the Together platform.

Mentor Benefits:

  • Private Slack Group for Connection with Other Mentors
  • N2K Cyber Talent Assessment
  • CPE Credits (ISC2 and GIAC)
  • CyberGEN.IQ Assessment (Maps Talent to Job Roles)
  • Eligible to Apply for a Mentorship Grant to Attend WiCyS 2025
  • Opportunity to Attend Two Resume Review Sessions
  • Option to have a Co-Mentor
  • Kick-off webinar to adequately prepare you for the monthly meetings with your mentee cohort
  • Invite to the WiCyS Bi-Monthly Leadership Series

Calling all Mentees:

Being engaged in a meaningful mentoring relationship can only help you sharpen your professional development skills, remain focused on intentional career outcomes and open your mind to new ideas and possibilities!

Expectations of Mentees: Commit to the 9-month mentor/mentee program, meet with an assigned mentor in a group cohort setting (3-5 mentees) for a minimum of once a month, engage with materials/resources provided by mentor prior to each meeting, and participate in periodic surveys and program dissemination efforts.

Mentee Benefits:

  • Career Advancement (all levels)
  • Meaningful Relationship Development
  • CyberGEN.IQ Assessment (Maps Talent to Job Roles)
  • Opportunity to Attend Two Resume Review Sessions
  • Cybersecurity Table Top Exercises
  • Access to Mentorship Curriculum (9 Topics)
    • Goal Setting
    • Influence
    • Branding and Self Presentation
    • Negotiation
    • Work-Life Balance
    • Leadership
    • Feedback
    • Presentations
    • Feedback

The WiCyS community is forever grateful for your contributions in building better tomorrows. Together, we thrive!

2024 program timeline

July 19: Enrollment Opens (Enrollees must be a registered WiCyS member – 18 years or older; enrollment is open to international WiCyS members)

August 12: Informational Webinar at 12pm CT | Register Here

August 25: Enrollment Closes at 11:59pm PT

August 26: Notifications Sent to Mentors/Mentees with Link to Register in Together Platform

September 3: Registration in Together Must be Completed (incomplete profiles will not be matched)

September 16: Mentee Meetup at 11am CT (this will be recorded and shared)

September 16: Mentor Meetup at 12pm CT (this will be recorded and shared)

September 19: Group Announcement Emails Sent with Cohort Details by EOD

October 1: Month #1 of the 9-month Structured Framework Begins

June 30: Month #9 of the 9-month Structured Framework Ends

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

(Don't delete this one, it's used to make all items closed)

The descriptions mention a “mentee cohort” which sounds different from the typical 1:1 mentoring. Will mentors have multiple mentees? Are all interactions in a group?

We selected a mentoring cohort strategically so that the learning experience can be shared amongst peers. This increases the interaction during the mentor/mentee meeting and develops deeper relationships with those in the cohort so that a community can be formed (within the already WiCyS community). If a mentor/mentee chooses to have 1:1 mentoring, that is completely fine, but the WiCyS requirement is to have the one meeting in a cohort setting once a month.

I see that the mentor time commitment is 2-3 hours/month. Are there particular skillsets/experiences that you are looking for mentors to have?

Any professional woman, man, ally, and advocate is an asset to this program’s success. No matter where we are at in our careers, we have experiences and stories to share that will help others on their journey. The resources/discussion points that WiCyS provides are not specific to a cybersecurity skillset. They are beneficial for any woman in their career!

Is the curriculum focused on training the mentor? Is there an agenda for the monthly meetings?

Yes, the goal is for WiCyS to provide the mentor with what they need to host their cohort meetings (resources/discussion points). They are to share that information with their cohort and use that information for their guiding point. This takes the stress off the mentor by making the information already available and accessible. Mentor MeetUps will be organized as well, so mentors can continue the learning process.

’24-’25 Mentor/Mentee Cohort Stats

MENTEES: 1,351

  • 781 entry-level
  • 112 intermediate-level
  • 120 mid-level
  • 102 senior-level

both Mentor & Mentee: 180

  • 65 intermediate-level
  • 76 mid-level
  • 112 senior-level

Mentors: 137

  • 11 intermediate-level
  • 13 mid-level
  • 67 senior-level

’23-’24 Mentor/Mentee Cohort Stats


  • 781 entry-level
  • 112 intermediate-level
  • 120 mid-level
  • 102 senior-level

both Mentor & Mentee: 253

  • 65 intermediate-level
  • 76 mid-level
  • 112 senior-level

Mentors: 91

  • 11 intermediate-level
  • 13 mid-level
  • 67 senior-level

’21-’22 Mentor/Mentee Cohort Stats


  • 421 entry-level
  • 97 intermediate-level
  • 106 mid-level
  • 122 senior-level

both Mentor & Mentee: 110

  • 26 entry-level
  • 21 intermediate-level
  • 24 mid-level
  • 39 senior-level

Mentors: 185

  • 29 entry-level
  • 23 intermediate-level
  • 36 mid-level
  • 97 senior-level

’20-’21 Mentor/Mentee Cohort Stats


  • 291 student/intern
  • 160 entry level
  • 119 mid level
  • 33 senior level
  • 5 executive level

both Mentor & Mentee: 93

  • 8 student/intern
  • 14 entry level
  • 38 mid level
  • 28 senior level
  • 5 executive level

Mentors: 78

  • 1 entry level
  • 23 mid level
  • 39 senior level
  • 15 executive level