What are the COVID-19 Policies?
WiCyS 2022 requires all attendees to be vaccinated and that attendees pre-verify their vaccination status. We require the pre-booster dosing requirement. Boosters are NOT required. We are using a secure service provided by Aura to collect the information. They will provide us with a list of attendees who have been verified and no additional information. You MUST complete the vaccination verification process BEFORE attending WiCyS 2022. If you are not verified before the conference, your registration will be cancelled.
We have told our attendees that vaccinations will be required of all attendees so we are unable to make exceptions. If we allow an exemption, we cannot tell our attendees that all are vaccinated. There are many attendees who are attending because they know all are vaccinated. We understand that vaccination is a choice and restriction for some but for the good of our entire community our medical team has determined requiring all to be vaccinated is the best approach.
Please be aware WiCyS is unable to assist with your use of this app since this service is provided by a 3rd party to keep your information secure. Aura Support is available at:
If you are an international attendee or having problems with uploading your vaccination proof, please contact the Aura Support hotline at 844-224-0011. Hours of operation are 9AM-5PM EST, 7 days a week excluding holidays.
Application provider policies: HIPAA Security, Privacy and Breach Notification Policies & Procedures for Protected Health Information, Media Destruction Policy, Entity Authentication Policy
What number should I call to reach event organizers in case of emergency?
For emergencies, please call 601-207-0807 to reach event organizers. For any non-emergency conference questions, please send a message to “Ask Organizers Anything” in the community section of the Whova App.
When does the main conference start?
The conference will officially open at 8:30 am on Friday, March 18, 2022 in the Grand Ballroom ABC.
When does the main conference end?
The conference will officially close at 2:00 pm Saturday, March 19, after closing remarks and awards.
Can I still register for pre/post-conference workshops?
Yes, log into the registration portal and select the workshops you want to attend! Please note that Thursday and Saturday workshops require sign ups, Friday workshops do not (due to larger capacity). You MUST arrive to each workshop 10 minutes before it starts or else your seat will be given to a standby attendee.
To access the WiCyS Conference Registration Portal and register for workshops, go to WiCyS Cleveland 2022. Click the “ALREADY REGISTERED?” button and enter your credentials. On the next screen click the green “CONTINUE” button. You do not need to re-enter your promo code.
NOTE: Adding a workshop to your personal agenda in the Whova App does NOT mean you are pre-registered.
Are meals included with my conference registration?
Lunch and dinner will be served during the keynote on Friday, March 18. Lunch will also be served during the keynote on Saturday, March 19 (meals are not included with sponsor Career-Fair only passes). Breakfast will be available for scholarship and fellowship recipients on Friday and Saturday morning.
Are there wheelchairs available at the convention center?
There are a limited number of wheelchairs available at the Lakeside entrance to the Convention Center.
How do I get from the airport to my lodging?
Attendees arriving on March 17 can ride the RTA (train) from Cleveland Hopkins Airport (CLE) to Tower City Station downtown. RTA’s Red Line provides regular service between CLE and downtown Cleveland and the trip takes less than 30 minutes. Trains depart from CLE every 15 minutes for the majority of the day. Visit HERE to view information on COVID-19 Testing at CLE Airport through TACKL Health.
The City of Cleveland is hosting a parade on March 17 at 1pm. As a result, the trains may be full between 11am and 1pm as many locals use the train for transportation to and from the parade. The airport pickup location is the first stop so there should not be a problem boarding the train at the airport but the train may become very full as it progresses on its route. We have decided to offer two shuttles during these busy times. There will be an 11am and a 1pm shuttle from the airport to the convention center/hotels if you prefer. The cost of the shuttle is the same as the Saturday shuttle ($9). Shuttle tickets must be purchased in advance. Be aware that shared ride services (Lyft, Uber, etc) may be difficult to request between 11am and 1pm as well.
You can purchase shuttle tickets for March 17 (airport to hotel) and March 19 (hotel to airport) by logging into the WiCyS 2022 conference portal and update your registration. To access the WiCyS Registration Portal, go to WiCyS Cleveland 2022. Click the “ALREADY REGISTERED?” button and enter your credentials. On the next screen click the green “CONTINUE” button. You do not need to re-enter your promo code.
RTA’s station at CLE is located on the lower level of the main terminal at the airport. To reach the RTA station, attendees should use the elevators or escalators located in the center of the ticketing and baggage claim levels and follow the airport’s directional signage.
There will be Destination Cleveland and WiCyS volunteers to greet you and answer any questions you may have.
For those arriving on March 17, Cleveland State University will provide a special code that allows attendees to ride the train at no cost. The code and how to use the code will be forthcoming.
For arrivals on other days, the cost of the train is $2.50
There will be a WiCyS shuttle from the Huron Road exit that will loop to all (4) conference hotels, as well as the Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland. The shuttle loop is approximately 30 minutes (please note that the Cleveland St. Patrick’s Day Parade is scheduled for 1pm that day so there could be a delay in the shuttle from approx. 12-3pm). There will be volunteers down at the RTA station and up at the shuttle station to assist. The shuttle is available from noon to 9pm on the March 17. The shuttle is not available other days and times.
All of the hotels and convention center are also within blocks of Tower City Station. There will be volunteers to assist on the ground if you choose to walk to your destination as well.
How to I get from the Convention Center to the Airport?
Shuttles will be available on Saturday, March 19 for transportation to the airport. Shuttle tickets are $9.
You can purchase shuttle tickets for March 17 (airport to hotel) and March 19 (hotel to airport) by logging into the WiCyS 2022 conference portal and update your registration. To access the WiCyS Registration Portal, go to WiCyS Cleveland 2022. Click the “ALREADY REGISTERED?” button and enter your credentials. On the next screen click the green “CONTINUE” button. You do not need to re-enter your promo code.
For further assistance:
- Check out the WiCyS 2022 conference website HERE
- Please send a message to “Ask Organizers Anything” in the community section of the Whova App.
- For immediate assistance and emergencies, please call or text 601-207-0807