Collaborative Professional Development Opportunity

Beginner: July 21, 11 am – 3 pm CT

Intermediate: August 18, 11 am – 3 pm CT

Advanced: September 29, 11 am – 3 pm CT


The WiCyS x AWS Jams are an experiential learning platform that enables members to learn about and experience a wide range of AWS services, real-world scenarios, and compete with a team of other members to win! AWS Jam presents scenarios that represent common use-cases and operational tasks, such as remediation at scale, automation, forensics, incident response, machine learning, DevOps, compliance, and many others. The event is gamified, with teams competing to score points by completing a series of challenges.

Download the AWS Jam Flyer HERE

Benefits of Aws jam

The WiCyS x AWS Jam connects you with other WiCyS members while building, enhancing, and validating your skills so that you can get more out of the cloud! Participants will gain deeper insights through real-world problem solving, exploring new services and features, understanding how they interoperate, and developing confidence and capability through team-building competition. WiCyS participants will also have the opportunity to win prizes and participate in a Coffee Shuffle with AWS women in security.

Download the AWS Jam Getting Started Guide HERE 

2021 Challenge Details

Easy Challenges for Beginner Jam: July 21 from 11am to 3pm CT


To successfully complete the Beginner Jam challenges, some challenges will require no experience and some will require basic AWS Services knowledge.

Challenge names (and AWS Services):

  1. Ohh no! I lost PEM file of my server (EC2, SSM)
  2. Hiding in Plain Sight
  3. Securely login to the EC2 Instance Console (EC2, SSM)
  4. Multi-layer Networking Cake (EC2, VPC)
  5. Great AWS Baking Show: Security Challenge (EC2)
  6. WHERE IS THE SECRET ?? (CloudWatch Events, CloudWatch Logs, CloudTrail, IAM, Lambda)
  7. Rogue Lambda (Lambda, S3, CloudWatch Logs, CloudTrail)
  8. Encrypt the Data Lake (S3, Key Management Service (KMS), Lambda)
  9. CodeDeploy deployment fails (CodePipeline, CodeDeploy, EC2)
  10. S3 Access Control – Light (S3)

Medium Challenges for Intermediate Jam: August 18 from 11am to 3pm CT


To successfully complete the Intermediate Jam challenges, familiarity with the AWS Services is required for all.

Challenge names (and AWS Services):

  1. Encrypt the Spoilers (S3, Key Management Service (KMS))
  2. Protect Your Donuts (Config, EC2, DynamoDB)
  3. 7 gems for the price of 1 (S3, KMS, Config)
  4. S3 and KMS a wonderful landscape (S3, Key Management Service (KMS), CloudTrail)
  5. My Pipeline is stuck! (API Gateway, CodePipeline, KMS, Lambda, IAM)
  6. Fix my build issue (ECR, S3, CloudFormation, CodeBuild, CodePipeline, KMS, IAM)
  7. All of your metadata belongs to us! (EC2, CloudTrail, S3)
  8. Malware in your bucket (S3, Lambda, CloudWatch)
  9. YOU SHALL NOT PASS (CloudWatch, CloudWatch Logs, Lambda, SNS)
  10. The Site Is Down! (S3, CloudFront)

Hard Challenges for Advanced Jam: September 29 from 11am to 3pm CT


To successfully complete the Advanced Jam challenges, advanced AWS Services knowledge and experience is required for all.

Challenge names (and AWS Services):

  1. KMS Encrypt All The Things! (KMS, S3)
  2. Forensics is knocking, let them in! (VPC, EC2)
  3. Where is my propane? (IAM)
  4. James Bond needs the secret code to crack his case (S3, IAM, Lambda)
  5. Sleeper agent (API Gateway, CloudWatch, S3, IAM, Lambda)
  6. Now you see me, now you don’t (API Gateway, VPC)
  7. Overly Ambitious Security Controls (EC2, VPC)
  8. Privilege Separation – Got Root? (IAM)
  9. Least Privilege Put To The Test (IAM, Lambda)
  10. Taggity Tag, enforce IT (EC2, IAM, Lambda)